1) Are all products on Hanshop original and genuine?

Yes. We are committed to offering our customers only 100% genuine and original products. We also take all necessary actions to ensure all products are genuine by our manufacturers distributed and sold by Hanergy Global’s sales centers referred to as (Hanshop).

Please send an email to customer-compliance@hanergyglobal.com if you think a product listed on our website does not meet these standards. Most of our products are patent and exclusively distributed by Hanshop. For all related certificates worldwide, please send us an email and request it.

2) Do I need an account to shop on Hanshop?
Yes, you need to have an account created.

3) How do I place an order?

Shopping at Hanshop is easy! Once you have found the product you want to buy, just follow the steps below:

New Buyer

  • Select a product by clicking “Add to cart”. Add another or others if you are buying more.
  • Click “Checkout” at the top menu. This takes you to the “Billing Details” section.
  • Enter your details in all the fields provided.
  • Enter your desired password.
  • If you want to ship to a different address, check “Ship to a different address?” and fill out the form.
  • If not shipping to a different address, leave “Ship to a different address?” as it is.
  • Select a Payment Option and click “Place Order”

Once your order is placed, we will either automatically confirm it by notifying you via email, text message, or WhatsApp or we will call you for confirmation in case we need more details via any of our global offices. Please note that this confirmation is a mandatory step before we ship your order or provide the needed services required. In case you have a doubt about whether the confirmation was done or not, do not hesitate to contact our Customer Service Call Centers or customer service emails-info@hanergyglobal.com a few hours after your order placement.

4) How do I pay on Hanshop?

You can choose from the different payment methods available on Hanshop. Please find below the list of available payment methods:

  • Cash On Delivery (easy and simple at your doorstep) only in Ghana.
  • Mobile Money Transfers
  • Bank Deposit/Direct Telegraphic Transfer
  • Visa/Mastercard’s/Others
  • Payoneer
  • PayPal
  • Hanshop Office in Ghana (Cash/POS), USA, UAE, UK, and South Africa

You can find these payment methods during the final step of checkout in detail. Do not hesitate to contact our Customer Service for more information.

5) How can I return my product?

Step 1: Log your return request
1. Call our customer care at Tel + 233 30 397 1083 or any of our global customer service centers or email info@hanergyglobal.net to create your return accounts. Our partner global offices can also be reached including/via all our electronic advertising platforms Facebook, amazon etc.

Step 2: Pack your product
• Pack your product according to the return conditions.
• Include all tags, accessories or free gifts you received

Step 3: Return your product
1. If you requested a pickup, we will contact you to arrange a pickup time.
2. If you selected a drop-off: Please drop your package at the chosen place following the given instructions (no shipping charges will apply).

6) Are there any hidden costs or charges if I order from Hanshop?
There are no hidden costs or charges when you order from Hanshop. All costs are 100% visible at the end of the checkout process.

7) Where do Hanshop products come from?
Hanshop products are sold directly by the brand itself through its manufacturing and trading partners all over the world. Most products are manufactured for and by Hanergy Global Group, sold by Hanshop, the e-commerce site for Hanergy Global